A downloadable game

Game Erauntsiak, Zomorro Studiok eta EHU-UPVk antolatutako Game Jamean Maria Bugedok, Aner Sertutxak eta Peio Uretak egindako jolasa.

Askarist 14 urteko pertsonaia da protagonista. Nerabe honek bullyinga jasan du sei urtez eta hortik eratorritako traumari egin beharko dio aurre, hainbat sentimentu erabiliz. Helburua izango da grisa den mundu batetik abiatuta emozioak erabiltzea kolorez betetako lasaitasun emozional bateraino heltzeko, bere burua eraldatu eta berreraikitzeko.

Katarsia, hain zuzen ere, emozio biziak adieraztearen bidez sentitzen den askapen emozionalari edo purifikazioari esaten zaio. Tentsio emozionalak askatzeko prozesua deskribatzeko erabiltzen da, lasaitasun emozionala lortzeko. Bide horretan egin beharko du aurrera Askaristek.


A game played by Maria Bugedo, Aner Sertutxa and Peio Ureta at first basque language ‘Euskal Game Jam’ organized by Game Erauntsia, Zomorro Studio and EHU-UPV university.

Askarist is a 14-year-old character. This teenager has been bullied for six years and will have to deal with the resulting trauma, using various feelings. The goal will be to use emotions from a gray world to reach an emotional calm full of colors, to transform and rebuild oneself.

Katarsi or catharsis, in fact, refers to the emotional release or purification felt through the expression of intense emotions. It is used to describe the process of releasing emotional tension, in order to achieve emotional calmness. It is on this path that Askaris will have to move.


Katarsi_EuskalGameJam2023.zip 451 MB


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